💪 How to be a slacker

Published On: July 28th, 2023

Slacking off, procrastination, or just straight-up avoidance – there’s a lot of ways to say “I ain’t doing it now”.

The thing about perpetual procrastination is it often takes more effort to think about delaying a thing than it does to just get it done. Maybe you overthink and under-do? I’ve been there!

Science says not all slacking is bad – putting off a purchase or rethinking a contract can be a financial win! But delaying a decision to save for retirement or pay down debt can be costly.

So today we’re talking about tomorrow, yesterday, next week, and last year. Whether it’s noon or night, there’s always time to procrastinate. Picking a perfect day to get started happens now.

Let’s do this!

Today’s newsletter is 312 words, 1½ minutes.

10 Money things worth reading this week

1. The Case for Selective Slackerism. How a Korean term helps the author reconcile moments of discipline and sloth.

2. Sooner or later. How to tackle financial procrastination

3. The costs started yesterday. The Popular Practice of Putting Stuff Off

4. Tomorrow never comes. Our biggest procrastination mistake

5. Start somewhere. How to prioritize which bills to pay first

6. Do more today. “You are not a slacker if you cut yourself some slack”. Why Bill Gates regrets not having a better work-life balance.

7. Time to tame your inner ostrich. Why we put our heads in the sand

8. How to save more tomorrow. The Simple Choice (podcast)

9. Get to it! How to get unstuck

10. Spending time thinking slow. Nobel Prize-Winning economist explains How to dramatically improve your investment performance

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As always, thank you so much for your time today.

Love love love,

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